Another very important expressions to make you survive in Russia that is how to ask people for help. There can always have any accidents or confusing happen for tourists when traveling in Russia. Because most of the guideposts are written in Russian language. Not a big problem if you are traveling in Moscow and you can use English. You can easily find people who can speak English especially students or youth. But once you travel somewhere else in other cities which is not the tourist spot. It’s quite rare to find one. Here are useful Russian expressions for you.
Excuse me, сan you help me?
Izvinite, nye mogli bi vi mne pomoch?
Извините, не могли бы вы мне помочь?
I’m lost. Where am I now?
Ya poteryalsya. Gde ya sichas?
Я потерялся. Где я сейчас?
You’re welcome.
Dobro pozhalovat.
Добро пожаловать.
You’re now at…..street.
Vi sichas na…..oolitse.
Вы сейчас на …. улице.
I’m going to (place) airport. How can I get there?
Mne nado v (mesto) aeroport. kak mne tuda popast?
Мне надо в (место) аэропорт. Как мне туда попасть?
Do you know where the police station is?
Vi znayete, gde nakhoditsa otdeleniye polutsii
Вы знаете, где находится отделение полиции?
Do you know where the bus station is?
Vi znayete, gde avtobusnaya ostanovka?
Вы знаете, где автобусная остановка?
Do you know where the hospital is?
Vi znayete, gde bolnitsa?
Вы знаете, где больница?
Do you know where is this hotel located?
Vi znayete, gde nakhoditsa gostinitsa?
Вы знаете, где находится гостиница?
You have to take the bus number….
Vam nado na avtabus….
Вам надо на автобус….
You have to get the metro line…..
Vam nado na metro linii.
Вам надо на метро линии….
From here you have to turn left, then turn right, go straight, and then you will see the metro station is across the street.
zdes vam nado povernut nalevo, zatem napravo, idite pryamo i vi oovidite cherez dorogu stantsiyoo metro.
Здесь вам надо повернуть налево, затем направо, идите прямо и вы увидите через дорогу станцию метро.
Hi sir,I saw your blog in expat. I am grace I was planning to work there in Russia for nanny or you think that it safe thing to do and does the law of Russia has any protection against the domestic employment?Thank you and have a good day :)